HS Teams Only


June 19-20, 2021


This tournament uses Tourney Machine for scheduling.


Preparing to attend FUL Events

- All players, coaches, fans, vendors, and officials must adhere to the guidelines from the CDC, state, and/or local authorities.

- FUL will share recommended guidelines to individual team representatives in advance of an event to share with players, coaches, and families.

- Adults 65 years and older and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are strongly encouraged not to attend events at this time.

- Proactively and regularly check their health status (taking temperature and monitoring for any symptoms) as recommended by the CDC, state, and/or local authorities prior to attending a FUL Event

- Do not come to event if you or any household member is not feeling well

- Do not come to event if you or any household member has been exposed to a person with COVID-19 within the past 14 days

- Do not attend event if you are not comfortable with measures being taken at a facility.

- FUL recommends players, coaches, fans, and officials bring personal hand sanitizer, masks, chairs, and antibacterial wipes to events for personal use

- Any tents brought into a complex is restricted to one household only per tent.

- Spectators for FUL Events may be limited and even excluded as-we-a-Il-work-together during this time.


Entry to Event and Scheduling

-Wear masks when social distancing cannot be achieved

-FUL partners with a number of communities where we host events. Guidelines may be different based on facility requirements and guidelines.

- FUL  will schedule teams for only two game per day during Pool Play to limit the number of teams waiting around the complex to play another game. We will also block their games so there are not an abundance of teams waiting around for their next games.

-There will be no post game handshake line or pre game coaches handshake

- Items not allowed into facilities include team coolers (players must have individual drinks), sunflower seeds, chewing gum.

- Items players may not share helmets, sticks , gloves, bags, elbow pads, chest protectors, mouth pieces, towels, uniforms/clothing, or food/drinks.

- FUL requires that alt staff/vendors all wear nose and mouth coverings while in the facility. Athletes/coaches/officials may wear masks during games, as long as they feel safe to do so, but are not required. However, we do recommend they be worn while walking within the facility.

- Everyone must follow 6 feet social distancing guidelines.

- All FUL employees and officials may be subject to additional screening elements prior to  working (i.e. temperature check, individual equipment, health questions, etc.). This includes wearing protective nose and face coverings and following health and safety guidelines.

- Wash hands with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water not available.

- Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.

- Avoid touching mouth/nose

- Avoid shaking hands or touching

- Facility will ensure availability of handwashing, alcohol-based hand gel, and/or hygiene facilities are available at their facilities.

- Facility staff will be cleaning all restrooms multiple times per day.


Game Rule Adjustments

- Benches will be extended to allow teams to social distance on the sideline. No parents or spectators will be allowed on the team benches.

- Players are discouraged from touching their face. No unnecessary contact allowed between players, including handshakes, high fives, hugs, chest bumps

- Coaches try to maintain spacing during timeouts and other breaks in play.

- New teams must wait until the previous teams have completely cleared the bench area before they should move into the bench area. DO NOT congregate at the bench are while waiting for the teams to clear. MUST maintain 6-foot social distancing

- No trophy/award ceremonies after games. Coaches will receive all awards to disperse

- Teams are required to clean all trash from bench area prior to leaving facility. If a bench is not clean on arrival, please notify facility staff before entering


For your convenience, this tournament is using SPORT iD for Player Registration.

SPORT iD is a universal check-in system that allows you to enter your child’s information once and simply check-in to each event your child participates in.

  1. To get started, download the free SPORT iD app on your iPhone or Android
  2. Open the app and follow the guided registration process
  3. Tap the top left corner, go to Places & Events, then Vero Beach Blast, and tap “Check In”


Click here to view tournament rules


This tournament is a stay to play event - room blocks are provided by. the tournament:



Indian Trails Sports Complex

5455 Belle Terre Pkwy
Palm Coast, FL 32137

